Mason County, Illinois ILGenWeb


History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois, 1879, by Miller and Ruggles
Kilbourne Township
Page 806

JAMES M. HARDIN, farmer; P. O. Kilbourne. Prominent among the old settlers in this township, and whose interests have long been identified with those of the county, is James M. Hardin, who was born in Talbot Co., Md., Dec. 12, 1817; the son of Henry and Ann (Chambers) Hardin. The family are of Scotch and Irish descent. James' parents died when he was quite young, and he was thrown upon his own resources. At the age of 21, he started for the great West, staging it to Wheeling, and thence by river to Alton, and lived near Carrolton. Greene Co., where he worked on a farm as a common laborer. March 13, 1842, he was married to Martha A., daughter of John Micklam; she was born in London. After their marriage, he began renting land. In 1845, he came to Mason Co., and located on the same section he now lives on. He worked for and with his father-in-law three years, and then bought forty acres. He subsequently bought out Mr. Charles Cragg, and then moved one mile south, where he has since lived. Mr. Hardin has twelve children, all living. Seven are now in Nebraska. Mr. Hardin and his wife are both members of the M. E. Church, the former since 1838. He has for many years been a member of the Masonic Fraternity, and in former times of the I. O. O. F. Society. No man in the county has a better record than James Hardin for honesty and uprightness.

Maintained by Mason County Coordinator Donna Mayer